- You can place an order directly through our website. Simply browse our collection, add items to your cart, and follow the checkout process.
- We accept major credit cards, debit cards, and PayPal for secure and convenient transactions.
- To check your order status, log in to your account on our website and navigate to the "Order History" section. You will find real-time updates there.
- We offer standard and expedited shipping options. Shipping times and costs are calculated during the checkout process. For more details, refer to our Shipping Policy page.
- Unfortunately, once an order is placed, it cannot be modified or canceled. Please review your order carefully before completing the purchase.
- Our return policy is detailed on our Returns and Exchanges page. We accept returns within 15 days of purchase, and items must be unused and in their original packaging.
- To initiate a return or exchange, please contact our customer service at [contact@oliolius.com]. Provide your order number and a brief explanation of the return or exchange.
- Yes, we offer gift wrapping services at an additional cost. You can select this option during the checkout process.
- While we strive to provide quality jewelry, individual sensitivities may vary. Check the product descriptions for information on materials used. If you have specific concerns, feel free to contact us.
- For any inquiries or assistance, you can reach our customer support team via email at [contact@oliolius.com].